Energy Optimal Control for Quantum System Evolving on SU(1,1)
Energy-Based Voronoi Partition in Constant Flow Environments
Energy-Efficient Building HVAC Control Using Hybrid System LBMPC
Energy-efficient motion camouflage in three dimensions
Energy-Efficient Transmission Scheduling with Strict Underflow Constraints
Engineering Optimisation by Cuckoo Search
Enlargements of positive sets
Ensemble Control of Stochastic Linear Systems
Ensuring Stability in Networked Systems with Nonlinear MPC for Continuous Time Systems
Equation-free optimal switching policies for bistable reacting systems using coarse time-steppers
Equilibrium balking strategies for a clearing queueing system in alternating environment
Equilibrium payoffs in finite games
Equilibrium policies when preferences are time inconsistent
Equity Allocation and Portfolio Selection in Insurance
Equity Allocation and Portfolio Selection in Insurance: A simplified Portfolio Model
Equivalence for Differential Equations
Equivalence of Control Systems with Linear Systems on Lie Groups and Homogeneous Spaces
Equivalence of robust stabilization and robust performance via feedback
Equivalence of three different kinds of optimal control problems for heat equations and its applications
Equivalent substitution in the control theory