Approximation Theory of Matrix Rank Minimization and Its Application to Quadratic Equations
Approximative Covariance Interpolation
Asymptotic amplitudes and cauchy gains: A small-gain principle and an application to inhibitory biological feedback
Asymptotic analysis, polarization matrices and topological derivatives for piezoelectric materials with small voids
Asymptotic behaviour of a family of gradient algorithms in R^d and Hilbert spaces
Asymptotic cauchy gains: Definitions and small-gain principle
Asymptotic Properties of Optimal Trajectories in Dynamic Programming
Asymptotic stability equals exponential stability, and ISS equals finite energy gain---if you twist your eyes
Asymptotic stability implies the existence of a local polynomial Lyapunov function
Asymptotics of accessibility sets along an abnormal trajectory
Attack Detection and Identification in Cyber-Physical Systems -- Part II: Centralized and Distributed Monitor Design
Attack Detection and Identification in Cyber-Physical Systems -- Part I: Models and Fundamental Limitations
Attainability in Repeated Games with Vector Payoffs
Attainable sets for left invariant control systems and Carnot-Caratheodory metrics on nilpotent Lie groups
Attaining mean square boundedness of a marginally stable noisy linear system with a bounded control input
Attitude Maneuvers of a Rigid Spacecraft in a Circular Orbit
Attouch-Théra duality revisited: paramonotonicity and operator splitting
Attraction and Stability of Nonlinear Ode's using Continuous Piecewise Linear Approximations
Automated tuning of bifurcations via feedback
Automatic Computation of Conservation Laws in the Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control