Mixed finite element methods for the fully nonlinear Monge-Ampère equation based on the vanishing moment method
Mixed finite elements for numerical weather prediction
Mixed hp-finite element method for linear elasticity with weakly imposed symmetry III: Stability analysis in 3D
Mixed Mimetic Spectral Element Method for Stokes Flow: A Pointwise Divergence-Free Solution
Mixed Multiscale Finite Volume Methods for Elliptic Problems in Two-phase Flow Simulations
Mixture of Kernels and Iterated Semi-Direct Product of Diffeomorphism Groups
ML(n)BiCGStab: Reformulation, Analysis and Implementation
MM Algorithms for Geometric and Signomial Programming
Modeling 1-D elastic P-waves in a fractured rock with hyperbolic jump conditions
Modeling and simulation of Ran-mediated nuclear import
Modeling Elasstic Shells Immersed in Fluid
Modeling Wildland Fire Propagation with Level Set Methods
Modelling and numerical approximation of a 2.5D set of equations for mesoscale atmospheric processes
Modified energy for split-step methods applied to the linear Schrödinger equation
Modified Rayleigh Conjecture for scattering by periodic structures
Modified Rayleigh Conjecture Method and Its Applications
Momentum and energy preserving integrators for nonholonomic dynamics
Monotonicity of the Lebesgue constant for equally spaced knots
Monte Carlo Euler approximations of HJM term structure financial models
Monte Carlo without Chains