Galerkin Methods for Parabolic and SCHR{Ö}DINGER Equations with Dynamical Boundary Conditions and Applications to Underwater Acoustics
Galerkin Methods for the Fully Nonlinear Monge-Ampère Equation
Gauge techniques in time and frequency domain TLM
Gauß Cubature for the Surface of the Unit Sphere
Gauss-Type Quadrature Rules Based on Identity-Type Functions
Gaussian Quadrature without Orthogonal Polynomials
Gaussian Summation: An Exponentially Converging Summation Scheme
Gegenbauer tau methods with and without spurious eigenvalues
Gelfond-Bezier Curves
General Techniques for Constructing Variational Integrators
General theory for integer-type algorithm for higher order differential equations
Generalization of Ehrlich-Kjurkchiev method for multiple roots of algebraic equations
Generalization of Ramanujan Method of Approximating root of an equation
Generalized $C^1$ quadratic B-splines generated by Merrien subdivision algorithm and some applications
Generalized Eigenvalue Problems with Prespecified Eigenvalues
Generalized Galerkin Variational Integrators
Generalized linearization of nonlinear algebraic equations: an innovative approach
Generalized monotone schemes, discrete paths of extrema, and discrete entropy conditions
Generalized Navier Boundary Condition and Geometric Conservation Law for surface tension
Generalized Qualification and Qualification Levels for Spectral Regularization Methods