Spherical simplices generating discrete reflection groups
Spherical two-distance sets
Sporadic Reinhardt polygons
Stability and slicing inequalities for intersection bodies
Stability in the Busemann-Petty and Shephard problems
Stability of Heisenberg Isoperimetric Profiles
Stability of isometric maps in the Heisenberg group
Stability of some versions of the Prékopa-Leindler inequality
Stability of the Blaschke-Santaló and the affine isoperimetric inequality
Stability of volume comparison for complex convex bodies
Stability results for the volume of random simplices
Stabilizers of closed sets in the Urysohn space
Stable H-minimal hypersurfaces
Steiner polynomials via ultra-logconcave sequences
Steiner Ratio for Manifolds
Steiner symmetrization using a finite set of directions
Steiner's Invariants and Minimal Connections
Steinhaus' problem on partition of a triangle
Strict inequality in the box-counting dimension product formulas
Strict Kneser-Poulsen conjecture for large radii