On the role of Convexity in Isoperimetry, Spectral-Gap and Concentration
On the separation profile of infinite graphs
On the shadow boundary of a centrally symmetric convex body
On the size of lattice simplices with a single interior lattice point
On the Square Peg Problem and some Relatives
On the stability of $φ$-uniform domains
On the Stochastic Rank of Metric Functions
On the structure of multiple translational tilings by polygonal regions
On the sum of powered distances to certain sets of points on the circle
On The Ten Point Wood-Desargues' Configuration
On the Transversal Number and VC-Dimension of Families of Positive Homothets of a Convex Body
On the tree-likeness of hyperbolic spaces
On the vertex index of convex bodies
On the volume of a six-dimensional polytope
On the volume of spherical Lambert cube
On the X-ray number of almost smooth convex bodies and of convex bodies of constant width
On Three-Dimensional Space Groups
On tight spans and tropical polytopes for directed distances
On traces of $d$-stresses in the skeletons of lower dimensions of homology $d$-manifolds
On two recent conjectures in convex geometry