Infinite serie of extreme Delaunay polytopes
Infinitesimal Bishop-Gromov condition for Alexandrov spaces
Infinitesimally Lipschitz functions on metric spaces
Inflating the cube without stretching
Injective and non-injective realizations with symmetry
Inner Regions of Quasars: Repeats 0024 and 0041 Plus Replacement Targets for GO-2578
Inner tube formulas for polytopes
Inscribable stacked polytopes
Inscribing cubes and covering by rhombic dodecahedra via equivariant topology
Integer realizations of disk and segment graphs
Integral geometry for the 1-norm
Interferometric observations of the supergiant S Persei: Evidence for axial symmetry and the warm molecular layer
Interlocking of convex polyhedra: towards a geometric theory of fragmented solids
Intermediate rank and property RD
Intersections of certain deleted digits sets
Intrinsic L_p metrics for convex bodies
Intrinsic volumes of random polytopes with vertices on the boundary of a convex body
Intrinsic Volumes of the Brownian Motion Body
Introduction to metric spaces with dilations
Inverse problems in geometric graphs using internal measurements