Convex Equipartitions of volume and surface area
Convex Geometry of Orbits
Convex Hulls in the Hyperbolic Space
Convex Hulls of Orbits and Orientations of a Moving Protein Domain
Convex Hulls, Oracles, and Homology
Convex Multivariate Approximation by Algebras of Continuous Functions
Convex Polytopes: Extremal Constructions and f-Vector Shapes
Convex quadric surfaces
Convex rank 1 subsets of Euclidean buildings (of type $A_2$)
Convex sets with homothetic projections
Convex Spaces I: Definition and Examples
Convexity of Hypersurfaces in Spherical Spaces
Correction of metrics
Counting faces of randomly-projected polytopes when the projection radically lowers dimension
Counting the Faces of Randomly-Projected Hypercubes and Orthants, with Applications
Coupling of fast and Alfven modes in realistic magnetospheric geometries
Covariogram of non-convex sets
Covering convex bodies by cylinders and lattice points by flats
Covering Large Balls with Convex Sets in Spherical Space
Covering numbers and ``low $M^{*}$-estimate'' for quasi-convex bodies