Bohr and Besicovitch almost periodic discrete sets and quasicrystals
Bonnesen-type inequalities for surfaces of constant curvature
Boundaries of Hyperbolic Metric Spaces
Boundary behaviour of harmonic functions on hyperbolic groups
Bounded Cohomology and Deformation Rigidity in Complex Hyperbolic Geometry
Bounded distortion homeomorphisms on ultrametric spaces
Bounding the eigenvalues of the Laplace-Beltrami operator on compact submanifolds
Bounds for Local Density of Sphere Packings and the Kepler Conjecture
Bounds for solid angles of lattices of rank three
Bounds on the $f$-Vectors of Tight Spans
Bounds on the roots of the Steiner polynomial
Building-like spaces
Buildings have finite asymptotic dimension
Buried QSOS in Iras-Selected Ultraluminous AGN Fixed
Busemann Points of Infinite Graphs