An extension of Mizoguchi-Takahaashi's fixed point theorem
An extremum property characterizing the n-dimensional regular cross-polytope
An Improved Lower Bound for Moser's Worm Problem
An Infinite Series of Perfect Quadratic Forms and Big Delaunay Simplexes in Z^n
An infinitesimally nonrigid polyhedron with nonstationary volume in the Lobachevsky 3-space
An interval version of separation by semispaces in max-min convexity
An introduction to the geometry of metric spaces
An introduction to the geometry of ultrametric spaces
An isomorphic version of the slicing problem
An overview of the Kepler conjecture
An Upper Bound for a Valence of a Codimension k Face in a Parallelotope tiling
An upper bound on the volume of the symmetric difference of a body and a congruent copy
Analogues of Alexandrov's and Stoker's theorems for ball-polyhedra
Analogues of the central point theorem for families with $d$-intersection property in $\mathbb R^d$
Angle sums on polytopes and polytopal complexes
Angles as probabilities
Another introduction to the geometry of metric spaces
Another low-technology estimate in convex geometry
Aperiodic linearly repetitive Delone sets are densely repetitive
Apollonian circle packings of the half-plane