UBVR and H(alpha) Photometry of H II Regions and OB Associations in Galaxies: A Test for a Variable IMF
UBVR Imaging of UV Bright Interacting Galaxies
UBVRI observations of southern hemisphere active stars. II - 1987 data
UBVRI photoelectric photometry of ten southern galaxies
UBVRI photometry of active galaxies. I - Observations
UBVRI Photometry of Spiral Galaxies in the Virgo and Fornax Clusters
UBVRI Photometry of the Globular Cluster NGC 6752
UFOs and Physical Sciences
UHF radar observation of strato-tropospheric transfers on the anticyclonic side of a jet streak
UK and ESA announce Beagle 2 inquiry - Investigation to learn lessons from Mars Lander
ULDB Mission Concepts for observing the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB)
ULF waves in the low-latitude boundary layer and their relationship to magnetospheric pulsations: A multisatellite observation
ULIRGs at z=1.5 as Scaled up Spiral Disks
Ultimate IR horizon sensor
Ultra LI-ideals in lattice implication algebras and MTL-algebras
Ultra Long Period Cepheids: a primary standard candle up to the Hubble flow.
Ultra Long-Life Spacecraft for Long Duration Space Exploration Missions
Ultra-Deep KECK spectroscopy of early-type galaxies in GOODS-N
Ultra-high resolution, absolute position sensors for cryostatic applications
Ultra-high vacuum friction experiments to simulate material transfer and wear of the platinum-rhodium proof-mass used in the GRADIO accelerometer.