Scaling and Extremes in precipitation and streamflow
Scaling and vortex-string dynamics in a three-dimensional system with a continuous symmetry
Scaling arguments and scalar hairs in asymptotically anti-de Sitter spacetime
Scaling behavior of semiclassical gravity .
Scaling GEV Distribution of Gauged and Ungauged Annual Maximum Rainfalls in Japan and Thailand
Scaling in global ocean chlorophyll fluctuations
Scaling law of volcanic explosion earthquake
Scaling laws and geochemical distributions
Scaling Laws and the Mass Function of Galaxy Clusters
Scaling Laws and the Mass Function of Galaxy Clusters and Groups
Scaling of fracture connectivity in geological formations
Scaling of intraplate earthquake recurrence interval with fault length and implications for seismic hazard assessment
Scaling properties of meteorological analyses, numerical models, and atmospheric fields
Scaling relations for large Martian valleys
Scaling Relations of Dwarf Galaxies without Supernova-Driven Winds
Scaling solution for cosmological fluctuations and large-scale structure
Scaling solution for cosmological fluctuations and large-scale structure.
Scaling solution for cosmological sigma models at large N
Scaling the Martian Walls of Time
Scaling the Universe: Gravitational Lenses and the Hubble Constant