(1) Deducing topology from the CMB; (2) The structure of closed hyperbolic 3-manifolds
(2+1)-dimensional q gravity from q gravity in 3+1 dimensions
(kappa,theta)-weak normality
(Micro)morphological, inorganic-organic isotope geochemisty and microbial populations in endostromatolites (cf. fissure calcretes), Haughton impact structure, Devon Island, Canada: The influence of geochemical pathways on the preservation of isotope biomar
(Nearly) Seven Years on Mars: Adventure, Adversity, and Achievements with the NASA Mars Exploration Rovers Spirit and Opportunity
(S+S) binary galaxies BVRI photometry (Hernandez-Toledo+, 2001)
(U Th)/He dating of kimberlites—A case study from north-eastern Kansas
(U)LIRG Morphology and Color: 70 μm Selected Galaxies in the COSMOS Field