Introduction to n-adaptive fuzzy models to analyze public opinion on AIDS
Introduction to Projective Arithmetics
Introductory Calculus from the Viewpoint of Non-Standard Analysis - Derivative of Sine and Cosine
Introductory Topics in Binary Set Functions
Introductory Topics in Distributions over Binary Test Functions
Intuitionistic fuzzy $H_v$-submodules
Intuitionistic Fuzzy Banach Algebra
Intuitionistic Fuzzy Continuity and Uniform Convergence
Intuitionistic Fuzzy Points in Semigroups
Intuitionistic fuzzy ψ-φ-contractive mappings and fixed point theorems in non-Archimedean intuitionistic fuzzy metric spaces
Invariant and evolutionary properties of the skew-symmetric differential forms
Inversion Formula
Irrational Expectations and the Riemann Hypothesis
Is a deterministic universe logically consistent with a probabilistic Quantum Theory?
Is it possible to compute the Moebius function without factoring?
Is mathematics consistent?
Is the Halting problem effectively solvable non-algorithmically, and is the Goedel sentence in NP, but not in P?
Is there a "loophole" in Goedel's interpretation of his formal reasoning and its consequences?
Is there a duality in the classical acceptance of non-constructive, foundational, concepts as axiomatic?
Ising Problem on Simple Cubic Lattice