Isomorphisms of algebras of Colombeau generalized functions
Isomorphisms of certain weak L^p spaces
Isomorphisms of function modules, and generalized approximation in modulus
Isomorphisms of operator algebras
Isoperimetric Bounds on Convex Manifolds
Isoperimetric inequalities of euclidean type in metric spaces
Isoperimetry and Stability of Hyperplanes for Product Probability Measures
Isoperimetry and symmetrization for logarithmic Sobolev inequalities
Isoperimetry and Symmetrization for Sobolev spaces on metric spaces
Isoperimetry of waists and local versus global asymptotic convex geometries
Isospectral measures
Iterated resolvent estimates for power bounded matrices
Iterates of the Schur class operator-valued function and their conservative realizations
Iterative algorithms to approximate canonical Gabor windows: Computational aspects
Iterative approximations of exponential bases on fractal measures