Invariant subspaces for operator semigroups with commutators of rank at most one
Invariant subspaces of $RL^1$
Invariant tori for commuting Hamiltonian PDEs
Invariant weighted algebras $L_p^w(G)$
Inverse Closed Ultradifferential Subalgebras
Inverse formula for the Blaschke-Levy representation with applications to zonoids and sections of star bodies
Inverse spectral problems for Dirac operators on a finite interval
Inverse spectral problems for Sturm-Liouville operators with singular potentials, IV. Potentials in the Sobolev space scale
Inverse theorems in the theory of approximation of vectors in a Banach space with exponential type entire vectors
Inverses of symmetric, diagonally dominant positive matrices and applications
Inversion des matrices de Toeplitz dont le symbole admet un zéro d'ordre fractionnaire positif, valeur propre minimale
Inversion Formula for the Windowed Fourier Transform
Inversion positivity and the sharp Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev inequality
Inversion Theorem for Bilinear Hilbert Transform
Invertibility of convolution operators on homogeneous groups
Invertibility of the Gabor frame operator on the Wiener amalgam space
Invertibility preserving linear maps on the semi-simple Banach algebras
Invertibility threshold for $H^\infty$ trace algebras, and effective matrix inversions
Investigating the Numerical Range of Non Square Matrices
Irreducible wavelet representations and ergodic automorphisms on solenoids