Innerness of Derivations on Subalgebras of Measurable Operators
Instructive examples of smooth, complex differentiable and complex analytic mappings into locally convex spaces
Integer cells in convex sets
Integer operators in finite von Neumann algebras
Integrable nonlinear oscillators with N degrees of freedom: a constructive approach
Integrable Operators and Canonical Differential Systems
Integrable operators and squares of Hankel Matrices
Integrable operators and the squares of Hankel operators
Integral and isocapacitary inequalities
Integral equalities for functions of unbounded spectral operators in Banach spaces
Integral geometry, hypergroups, and I.M. Gelfand's question
Integral Operators in Bilateral Grand Lebesgue Spaces
Integral Operators in Grand Morrey Spaces
Integral operators induced by the Fock kernel
Integral Operators on Spaces of Continuous Vector-valued Functions
Integral representation for a class of $C^1$-convex functionals
Integral Transformations Between Some Function Spaces On Time Scales
Integration of Hölder forms and currents in snowflake spaces
Integration Theory for Zero Sets of Polyfold Fredholm Sections
Integration through Generalized Sequences