A Chebyshev criterion for Abelian integrals
A Chebyshev/Stoermer procedure for the numerical integration of second-order systems
A class of continua that are not attractors of any IFS
A class of Lorenz-type systems, their factorizations and extensions
A classification of explosions in dimension one
A Classification of Minimal Sets of Torus Homeomorphisms
A classification of two dimensional integrable mappings and rational elliptic surfaces
A Coaxial Vortex Ring Model for Vortex Breakdown
A collection of simple proofs of Sharkovsky's theorem
A Combinatorial Classification of Postcritically Fixed Newton Maps
A Combinatorial classification of postcritically fixed Newton maps
A Combinatorial Classification of Postsingularly Finite Complex Exponential Maps
A combinatorial model for reversible rational maps over finite fields
A combinatorial proof of Marstrand's Theorem for products of regular Cantor sets
A comment on the definition of relative pressure
A comment on the paper 'Exact solutions in Brans-Dicke theory - A dynamical system approach'
A compact model for the planar rhomboidal 4-body problem
A compactification of Henon mappings in C^2 as dynamical systems
A complement to Hayashi Connecting Lemma
A completion construction for continuous dynamical systems