Hamilton-Jacobi method for a simple resonance
Hamilton-Poisson formulation for the rotational motion of a rigid body in the presence of an axisymmetric force field and a gyroscopic torque
Hamiltonian and small action variables for periodic dNLS
Hamiltonian Cycle on the Set of Genotypes and Non-Ergodic Quadratic Stochastic Operators
Hamiltonian elliptic dynamics on symplectic 4-manifolds
Hamiltonian Hopf bifurcation with symmetry
Hamiltonian systems of negative curvature are hyperbolic
Hamiltonian Systems: Stability and Instability Theory
Hamiltonian vector fields of homogeneous polynomials in two variables
Hamiltonsche Bahnen ohne Zerspaltungseigenschaft. Die Loesung einer Aufgabe von M. G. Krein
Harmonic analysis and dynamics for affine iterated function systems
Harmonic analysis of oscillators through standard numerical continuation tools
Harmonic functions on R-covered foliations and group actions on the circle
Harmonic models and spanning forests of residually finite groups
Harvesting Fisheries Management Strategies With Modified Effort Function
Hausdorff and topological dimension for polynomial automorphisms of $\C^2$
Hausdorff dimension and biaccessibility for polynomial Julia sets
Hausdorff dimension and conformal measures of Feigenbaum Julia sets
Hausdorff Dimension and Hausdorff Measure for Non-integer based Cantor-type Sets
Hausdorff dimension and Kleinian groups