The Yamabe problem for Gauss-Bonnet curvatures: a local result around space forms
The Yamabe problem for higher order curvatures
The Yang-Mills flow and the Atiyah-Bott formula on compact Kahler manifolds
The Yang-Mills flow near the boundary of Teichmueller space
The Yang-Mills Gradient Flow and Loop Spaces of Compact Lie Groups
The Yang-Mills stratification for surfaces revisited
The zero scalar curvature Yamabe problem on noncompact manifolds with boundary
The Zero-in-the-Spectrum Question
The α-Invariant on Toric Fano Manifolds
Theorem on six vertices of a plane curve via the Sturm theory
Theorems of Barth-Lefschetz type in Sasakian geometry
Théorie de jauge et groupo\"ıdes (Gauge theory and groupoids)
Theory of Submanifolds, Associativity Equations in 2D Topological Quantum Field Theories, and Frobenius Manifolds
Theory of Transformation Groups, by S. Lie and F. Engel (Vol. I, 1888). Modern Presentation and English Translation
Theory of zones on Zeeman manifolds; A new approach to the infinities of QED
There are no $\mathcal{C}^5$-Regular Pure $y$-Global Landsberg Surfaces
There are no conformal Einstein rescalings of complete pseudo-Riemannian Einstein metrics
Theta and zeta functions for locally symmetric spaces of rank one
Theta and zeta functions for odd-dimensional locally symmetric spaces of rank one
Theta functions on the Kodaira-Thurston manifold