The total second variation of Perelman's $\mathcal{W}$-functional
The trace formula for transversally elliptic operators on Riemannian foliations
The transversal wave equation and the noncommutative geodesic flow in Riemannian foliations
The Transverse Entropy Functional and the Sasaki-Ricci Flow
The treadmillsled of a curve
The tt* structure of the quantum cohomology of CP^1 from the viewpoint of differential geometry
The Tulczyjew triple for classical fields
The Twisted Photon Associated to Hyper-Hermitian Four-Manifolds
The Twistor correspondence of the Dolbeault complex over $\C^n$
The twistor equation in Lorentzian spin geometry
The twistor space of a quaternionic contact manifold
The twistor spinors of generic 2- and 3-distributions
The twistor transform of a Verlinde formula
The two ways of gauging the Poincare' group
The type numbers of closed geodesics
The uncertainty principle lemma under gravity and the discrete spectrum of Schrödinger operators
The uniqueness of tangent cones for Yang-Mills connections with isolated singularities
The uniqueness of the helicoid in the Lorentz-Minkowski space L3
The Universal Connection and Metrics on Moduli Spaces
The universal cover of an affine three-manifold with holonomy of shrinkable dimension $\leq 2$