The structure of algebraic covariant derivative curvature tensors
The structure of CR manifolds
The structure of groups of multigerm equivalences
The structure of HCMU metric in a K-Surface
The structure of stable minimal hypersurfaces in R^n
The Structure of Stable Vector Fields on Surfaces
The SU(3) Casson Invariant for Integral Homology 3-Spheres
The submanifold geometries associated to Grassmannian systems
The supremum of conformally covariant eigenvalues in a conformal class
The surfaces capable of division into Infinitesimal Squares by their Curves of Curvature
The Symmetric Tensor Lichnerowicz Algebra and a Novel Associative Fourier-Jacobi Algebra
The Symmetries of Solitons
The symplectic form for the fiber bundles over a Riemann surface II
The Symplectic Geometry of Polygons in the 3-sphere
The symplectic Thom conjecture
The Symplectization Functor
The systolic constant of orientable Bieberbach 3-manifolds
The SzegÖ kernel on an orbifold circle bundle
The tangent bundle of an almost-complex free loopspace
The tangent groupoid of a Heisenberg manifold