The Ricci flow of left invariant metrics on full flag manifold SU(3)/T from a dynamical systems point of view
The Ricci flow of the `RP3 geon' and noncompact manifolds with essential minimal spheres
The Ricci Flow on Complete Noncompact Kähler Manifolds
The Ricci iteration and its applications
The Ricci tensor of an almost homogenous Kaehler manifold
The Ricci tensor of SU(3)-manifolds
The Riemann Surface of the Logarithm Constructed in a Geometrical Framework
The Riemannian geometry of orbit spaces. The metric, geodesics, and integrable systems
The Riemannian L^2 topology on the manifold of Riemannian metrics
The Riemannian manifolds with boundary and large symmetry
The rigidity of embedded constant mean curvature surfaces
The rigidity theorems for Lagrangian self shrinkers
The rigidity theorems of self shrinkers
The Rigidity Theorems of Self Shrinkers via Gauss maps
The Ring of Invariants for Smooth Completions of Kac-Moody Lie Algebras
The Sasaki Cone and Extremal Sasakian Metrics
The Sasaki-Ricci flow and compact Sasakian manifolds of positive transverse holomorphic bisectional curvature
The Sasakian Geometry of the Heisenberg Group
The Scalar Curvature Deformation Equation on Locally Conformally Flat Manifolds
The Scalar Curvature Equation on $S^3$