The number of conformally equivalent maximal graphs
The number of constant mean curvature isometric immersions of a surface
The odd-dimensional Goldberg Conjecture
The only Kähler manifold with degree of mobility $\ge 3$ is $(CP(n), g_{Fubini-Study})$
The order of curvature operators on loop groups
The orientation-preserving diffeomorphism group of S^2 deforms to SO(3) smoothly
The outer derivation of a complex Poisson manifold
The partial positivity of the curvature in Riemannian symmetric spaces
The path group construction of Lie group extensions
The Penrose inequality in general relativity and volume comparison theorems involving scalar curvature (thesis)
The Penrose transform for compactly supported cohomology
The perpendicular Neumann problem for mean curvature flow with a timelike cone boundary condition
The Perron Method and the Non-Linear Plateau Problem
The Plateau problem at infinity for horizontal ends and genus 1
The Plateau Problem for General Curvature Functions
The Plateau problem for marginally outer trapped surfaces
The Plateau problem for polygonal boundary curves in Minkowski 3-space
The point spectrum of the Dirac operator on noncompact symmetric spaces
The pointed flat compactness theorem for locally integral currents
The Poisson equation on complete manifolds with positive spectrum and applications