The mapping class group orbit of a multicurve
The Marked Length Spectrum Versus the Laplace Spectrum on Forms on Riemannian Nilmanifolds
The Marked Length Spectrum vs. The Laplace Spectrum on Forms on Riemannian Nilmanifolds
The mass of a Lorentzian manifold
The mass of asymptotically hyperbolic Riemannian manifolds
The maximum principle for manifolds over a local algebra
The Maximum Principle for Minimal Varieties of Arbitrary Codimension
The Mayer-Vietoris Property in Differential Cohomology
The mean curvature at the first singular time of the mean curvature flow
The mean curvature flow along the Kähler-Ricci flow
The mean curvature flow approach to the symplectic isotopy problem
The mean curvature flow for equifocal submanifolds
The mean curvature flow for isoparametric submanifolds
The mean curvature flow of submanifolds of high codimension
The Mean Curvature Flow Smoothes Lipschitz Submanifolds
The mean curvature integral is invariant under bending
The mean curvature of cylindrically bounded submanifolds
The Mean Curvature of the Second Fundamental Form of a hypersurface
The mean value for infinite volume measures, infinite products and heuristic infinite dimensional Lebesgue measures
The Method of Archimedes in the geometry of quadrics