Symplectic monodromy, Leray residues and quasi-homogeneous polynomials
Symplectic monodromy, quasi-homogeneous polynomials and spectral flow
Symplectic obstructions to the existence of $ω$-compatible Einstein metrics
Symplectic or contact structures on Lie Groups
Symplectic rational blowdowns
Symplectic realizations of bihamiltonian structures
Symplectic reduction and a weighted multiplicity formula for twisted Spin$^c$-Dirac operators
Symplectic Spinors, Holonomy and Maslov Index
Symplectic Structures on Free Nilpotent Lie algebras
Symplectic Surgery and the Spin-C Dirac operator
Symplectic Symmetric Spaces
Symplectic Topology of Integrable Hamiltonian Systems, II: Topological Classification
Symplectic toric orbifolds
Symplectic torus actions with coisotropic principal orbits
Symplectic virtual localization of Gromov-Witten invariants
Systems of conservation laws of Temple class, equations of associativity and linear congruences in projective space
Systems of symplectic forms on four-manifolds
Systolic freedom of loop space
Systolic freedom of orientable manifolds
Systolic inequalities and Massey products in simply-connected manifolds