Characteristic Classes of Lie Algebroid Morphisms
Characteristic foliation of twisted Jacobi manifolds
Characteristic forms of complex Cartan geometries
Characteristic Numbers and Generalized Path Integrals
Characterization of Closed Vector Fields in Finsler Geometry
Characterization of Einstein-Fano manifolds via the Kähler-Ricci flow
Characterization of Hermitian symmetric spaces by fundamental forms
Characterization of intrinsically harmonic forms
Characterization of polyanalytic functions by meromorphic extensions into chains of circles
Characterization of Tangent Cones of Noncollapsed Limits with Lower Ricci Bounds and Applications
Characterizations of model manifolds by means of certain differential systems
Characters of Cycles, Equivariant Characteristic Classes and Fredholm Modules
Cheeger constants of surfaces and isoperimetric inequalities
Cheeger Gromoll type metrics on the tangent bundle
Cheeger manifolds and the classification of biquotients
Chen Rotational Surfaces of Hyperbolic or Elliptic Type in the Four-dimensional Minkowski Space
Chen's inequality in Lagrangian case
Chern characters via connections up to homotopy
Chern classes of modular varieties
Chern connections and Chern curvature of the tangent bundle of almost complex manifolds