Betti numbers of a class of barely G2 manifolds
Beyond the Regnant Philosophy of Manifolds
Bi-conformal vector fields and the local geometric characterization of conformally separable (double-twisted) pseudo-Riemannian manifolds
Bi-conformal vector fields and the local geometric characterization of conformally separable pseudo-Riemannian manifolds II
Bi-Hermitian gray surfaces II
Bi-invariant metric on the strict contactomorphism group
Bi-Legendrian manifolds and paracontact geometry
Bi-Lipschitz approximation by finite-dimensional imbeddings
Bi-Lipschitz equivalent Alexandrov surfaces, I
Bi-Lipschitz equivalent Alexandrov surfaces, II
Bi-paracontact structures and Legendre foliations
Bianchi type A hyper-symplectic and hyper-Kähler metrics in 4D
Bianchi type-I cosmological model for perfect fluid distribution in Lyra geometry
Bianchi's Bäcklund transformation for higher dimensional quadrics
Bianchi-Bäcklund transforms and dressing actions, revisited
Biconformal changes of metric and pseudo-harmonic morphisms
Bifurcating extremal domains for the first eigenvalue of the Laplacian
Bifurcating nodoids
Bifurcation and local rigidity of homogeneous solutions to the Yamabe problem on spheres
Bifurcation of constant mean curvature tori in Euclidean spheres