Bounding scalar curvature for global solutions of the Kahler-Ricci flow
Bounding sectional curvature along a Kähler-Ricci flow
Bounding the first Dirichlet eigenvalue of a tube around a complex submanifold of $CP^n$ by the degrees of the polynomials defining it
Bounds for eigenvalue ratios of the Laplacian
Bounds for the first eigenvalue of the horizontal Laplacian in positively curved sub-Riemannian manifolds
Bounds of Hausdorff measures of tame sets
Bounds on Accumulation Rates of Eigenvalues on Manifolds with Degenerating Metrics
Bounds on genus and geometric intersections from cylindrical end moduli spaces
Bounds on primitives of differential forms and cofilling inequalities
Bounds on the Heat Kernel under the Ricci Flow
Bounds on volume growth of geodesic balls under Ricci flow
Box splines and the equivariant index theorem
Brackets, forms and invariant functionals
Branched covers of hyperbolic manifolds and harmonic maps
Branched immersions and braids
Branched Willmore Spheres
Branching Asymptotics on Manifolds with Edge
Brane Solitons and Hypercomplex Structures
Branes on Poisson varieties
Branson's Q-curvature in Riemannian and Spin Geometry