A classification of some Finsler connections and their applications
A classification of spherical symmetric CR manifolds
A classification of the torsion tensors on almost contact manifolds with B-metric
A classification theorem and a spectral sequence for a locally free sheaf cohomology of a supermanifold
A classification theorem for Helfrich surfaces
A closed form for unitons
A closed formula for the asymptotic expansion of the Bergman kernel
A closed symplectic four-manifold has almost Kaehler metrics of negative scalar curvature
A Co-chain map for the G-invariant de Rham complex
A Codazzi-like equation and the singular set for $C^{1}$ smooth surfaces in the Heisenberg group
A cohomological description of Abelian bundles and gerbes
A Cohomology (p+1) Form Canonically Associated with Certain Codimension-q Foliations on a Riemannian Manifold
A cohomology attached to a function
A Colding-Minicozzi Stability inequality and its applications
A commutator method for computation of heat invariants
A compact symmetric symplectic non-Kaehler manifold
A compactness theorem for complete Ricci shrinkers
A Compactness Theorem for Invariant Connections
A compactness theorem for scalar-flat metrics on manifolds with boundary
A Compactness Theorem for the Second Fundamental Form