$Pin$-structures on surfaces and quadratic forms
$Pin^c$ and Lipschitz structures on products of manifolds
$PU(N)$ monopoles, higher rank instantons, and the monopole invariants
$Q$-manifolds and Higher Analogs of Lie Algebroids
$S_t^1\times S_s^1$-valued lightcone Gauss map of a Lorentzian surface in semi-Euclidean 4-space
$t$-periodic light rays in conformally stationary spacetimes via Finsler geometry
$T^3$-fibrations on compact six-manifolds
$U(n+1)\times U(p+1)$ - invariant Hermitian metrics with Hermitian tensor Ricci on the manifold $S^{2n+1}\times S^{2p+1}$
$W^{2,2}$-conformal immersions of a closed Riemann surface into $\R^n$
$\mathcal{F}$-stability for self-shrinking solutions to mean curvature flow
$Γ$-Cohomology and the Selberg Zeta Function
$η$-invariant and flat vector bundles
$π_1$ of symplectic automorphism groups and invertibles in quantum homology rings