Simple formulas for lattice paths avoiding certain periodic staircase boundaries
Simple marked mesh patterns
Simple permutations and algebraic generating functions
Simple Permutations Mix Even Better
Simple permutations: decidability and unavoidable substructures
Simple proofs of Bressoud's and Schur's polynomial versions of the Rogers-Ramanujan identities
Simple Proofs of Classical Theorems in Discrete Geometry via the Guth--Katz Polynomial Partitioning Technique
Simple proofs of Jensen's, Chu's, Mohanty-Handa's, and Graham-Knuth-Patashnik's identities
Simple Proofs of two Dirac-type Theorems Involving Connectivity
Simple signed Steiner triple systems
Simple wedge points
Simple-root bases for Shi arrangements
Simplicial arrangements with up to 27 lines
Simplicial blowups and discrete normal surfaces in simpcomp
Simplicial complexes associated to certain subsets of natural numbers and its applications to multiplicative functions
Simplicial Complexes Obtained from Qualitative Probability Orders
Simplicial Complexes of Triangular Ferrers Boards
Simplicial geometry of unital lattice-ordered abelian groups
Simplicial matrix-tree theorems
Simplicial shellable spheres via combinatorial blowups