f-Vectors of 3-Manifolds
f-vectors of Simplicial Posets that are Balls
f-Vectors of Triangulated Balls
Faa di Bruno Hopf algebras
Faber-Krahn Type Inequalities for Trees
Faber-Krahn type inequality for unicyclic graphs
Face enumeration - from spheres to manifolds
Face Numbers of Certain Cohen-Macaulay Flag Complexes
Face numbers of cubical barycentric subdivisions
Face numbers of generalized balanced Cohen-Macaulay complexes
Face numbers of pseudomanifolds with isolated singularities
Face vectors of flag complexes
Face vectors of simplicial cell decompositions of manifolds
Face vectors of subdivided simplicial complexes
Faces and bases: Boolean intervals
Faces and bases: Dehn-Sommerville type relations
Faces of generalized cluster complexes and noncrossing partitions
Faces of Generalized Permutohedra
Facets of the (s,t)-p-path polytope
Factor complexity of infinite words associated with non-simple Parry numbers