Asymptotic normality of integer compositions inside a rectangle
Asymptotic Normality of Statistics on Permutation Tableaux
Asymptotic Size Ramsey Results for Bipartite Graphs
Asymptotic Structure of Graphs with the Minimum Number of Triangles
Asymptotic study of subcritical graph classes
Asymptotic upper bounds on the shades of t-intersecting families
Asymptotic value of the minimal size of a graph with rainbow connection number 2
Asymptotic variance of random symmetric digital search trees
Asymptotically efficient triangulations of the d-cube
Asymptotically normal distribution of some tree families relevant for phylogenetics, and of partitions without singletons
Asymptotically optimal $K_k$-packings of dense graphs via fractional $K_k$-decompositions
Asymptotically optimal covering designs
Asymptotics for incidence matrix classes
Asymptotics for random walks in alcoves of affine Weyl groups
Asymptotics for the number of n-quasigroups of order 4
Asymptotics for the number of walks in a Weyl chamber of type B
Asymptotics of characters of symmetric groups, genus expansion and free probability
Asymptotics of characters of symmetric groups: structure of Kerov character polynomials
Asymptotics of coefficients of multivariate generating functions: improvements for multiple points
Asymptotics of coefficients of multivariate generating functions: improvements for smooth points