Sharpening and generalizations of Shafer-Fink's double inequality for the arc sine function
Shatalov-Sternin's construction of complex WKB solutions and the associated Riemann surface
Shatalov-Sternin's construction of complex WKB solutions and the choice of integration paths
Shift Invariant Spaces on LCA Groups
Shift operators and stability in delayed dynamic equations
Shift-modulation invariant spaces on LCA groups
Short proofs of the elliptic beta integrals
Signal Acquisition from Measurements via Non-Linear Models
Simple Universal Bounds for Chebyshev-Type Quadratures
Simply-laced isomonodromy systems
Simpson type inequalities for functions whose third derivatives in the absolute value are s-convex and s-concave functions
Simultaneous Polynomial Recurrence
Single annulus $L^p$ estimates for Hilbert transforms along vector fields
Singular distributions, dimension of support, and symmetry of Fourier transform
Singular integral operators on tent spaces
Singular Integrals Along N Directions in R^2
Singular integrals meet modulation invariance
Singular limits for 4-dimensional semilinear elliptic problems with exponential nonlinearity
Singular maximal functions and Radon transforms near L^1
Singular measures and convolution operators