Sharp linear and bilinear restriction estimates for paraboloids in the cylindrically symmetric case
Sharp Lorentz space estimates for rough operators
Sharp Lower bound estimates for vector-valued and matrix-valued multipliers in $L^p$
Sharp L^2 bounds for oscillatory integral operators with C^\infty phases
Sharp L^p estimates on BMO
Sharp norm inequalities for commutators of classical operators
Sharp rate of average decay of the Fourier transform of a bounded set
Sharp results in the integral-form John--Nirenberg inequality
Sharp van der Corput estimates and minimal divided differences
Sharp weak type estimates for weights in the class $A_{p_1, p_2}$
Sharp weighted bounds for fractional integral operators
Sharp weighted bounds for fractional integral operators in a space of homogeneous type
Sharp weighted bounds involving A_\infty
Sharp weighted estimates for approximating dyadic operators
Sharp weighted estimates for classical operators
Sharp weighted estimates for dyadic shifts and the $A_2$ conjecture
Sharp weighted norm inequalities for Littlewood-Paley operators and singular integrals
Sharpening and generalizations of Carlson's double inequality for the arc cosine function
Sharpening and generalizations of Carlson's inequality for the arc cosine function
Sharpening and generalizations of Shafer's inequality for the arc tangent function