Summation formulae for noncommutative hypergeometric series
Summation, transformation, and expansion formulas for multibasic theta hypergeometric series
Summations and transformations for multiple basic and elliptic hypergeometric series by determinant evaluations
Summing the curious series of Kempner and Irwin
Sums and averages
Sums of exponential functions and their new fundamental properties
Sums of generalized harmonic series for kids from five to fifteen
Sums of norm spheres are norm shells and lower triangle inequalities are sharp
Sums of Powers and Majorization
Sums of Zeros for Certain Special Functions
Sums, rearrangements, and norms
Superconductivity and the BCS-Bogoliubov Theory
Support of Non-separable Multivariate Scaling Function
Sur les séries de Fourier des fonctions continues unimodulaires
Sur les Theoremes I et II de Painleve
Surface Area and Curvature of the general Ellipsoid
Surface Spline Approximation on SO(3)
Surgery of spline-type and molecular frames
Symbolic calculus and integrals of Laguerre polynomials
Symbolic Evaluation of Coefficients in Airy-type Asymptotic Expansions