Discrete Vector Fields and Fundamental Algebraic Topology
Divided difference operators for partial flag varieties
Divisibility of characteristic numbers
Divisibility of the stable Miller-Morita-Mumford classes
Do manifolds have little symmetry?
Dold-Kan correspondence for dendroidal abelian groups
Dominant K-theory and Integrable highest weight representations of Kac-Moody groups
Double groupoids and homotopy 2-types
Doubling operation for polytopes and torus actions
Dualities in persistent (co)homology
Duality and Pro-Spectra
Duality for topological abelian group stacks and T-duality
Duality for Topological Modular Forms
Duality in algebra and topology
Duality in Gerstenhaber algebras
Duality on the (co)chain type levels
Dualization invariance and a new complex elliptic genus
Dwyer-Kan homotopy theory of enriched categories
Dyer-Lashof operations on Tate cohomology of finite groups
Dynamics of random selfmaps of surfaces with boundary