Jet schemes and singularities
Jet schemes of complex plane branches and equisingularity
Jet schemes of determinantal varieties
Jet schemes of homogeneous hypersurfaces
Jet Schemes of Locally Complete Intersection Canonical Singularities
Jet Schemes of the Commuting Matrix Pairs Scheme
Jet schemes of toric surfaces
Jet schemes of toric surfaces (a short version)
Jet schemes, arc spaces and the Nash problem
Jet schemes, log discrepancies and Inversion of Adjunction
Jets of singular foliations
Jets via Hasse-Schmidt Derivations
Jeu de taquin and a monodromy problem for Wronskians of polynomials
Jorgensen's inequality for quternionic hyperbolic space with elliptic elements
Joyce invariants for K3 surfaces and mock theta functions
Joyce-Song wall-crossing as an asymptotic expansion
Jump of Milnor numbers
Jumping coefficients and spectrum of a hyperplane arrangement
Jumping Coefficients of Multiplier Ideals
Jumping conics on a smooth quadric in $\PP_3$