Bifurcation braid monodromy of plane curves
Big $q$-ample Line Bundles
Big arithmetic divisors on the projective spaces over Z
Big monodromy theorem for abelian varieties over finitely generated fields
Big rational surfaces
Bijectiveness of the Nash Map for Quasi-Ordinary Hypersurface Singularities
Biliaison classes of curves in $P^3$
Bimeromorphic automorphism groups of non-projective hyperkähler manifolds - a note inspired by C. T. McMullen
Binomial D-modules
Binomial Residues
Bipolynomial Hilbert functions
Birational aspects of the geometry of M_g
Birational aspects of the Geometry of Varieties of Sum of Powers
Birational automorphism groups and the movable cone theorem for Calabi-Yau manifolds of Wehler type via universal Coxeter groups
Birational automorphisms of a three-dimensional double quadric with an elementary singularity
Birational automorphisms of algebraic varieties with a pencil of cubic surfaces
Birational automorphisms of nodal quartic threefolds
Birational automorphisms of quartic Hessian surfaces
Birational Calabi--Yau n-folds have equal Betti numbers
Birational Calabi-Yau 3-folds and BPS state counting