Brill-Noether loci in codimension two
Brill-Noether loci with fixed determinant in rank 2
Brill-Noether locus of rank 1 and degree g-1 on a nodal curve
Brill-Noether Sheaves
Brill-Noether theory and non-special scrolls
Brill-Noether theory for moduli spaces of sheaves on algebraic varieties
Brill-Noether Theory for stable vector bundles
Brill-Noether theory of binary curves
Brill-Noether theory of curves on Enriques surfaces I: the positive cone and gonality
Brill-Noether-type Theorems with a Movable Ramification Point
Bringing Toric Codes to the next dimension
Broccoli curves and the tropical invariance of Welschinger numbers
Brown representability in $\A^1$-homotopy theory
Brown-Peterson spectra in stable A^1-homotopy theory
Bruhat-Tits Theory from Berkovich's Point of View.<br>I - Realizations and Compactifications of Buildings
Bubble tree compactification of moduli spaces of vector bundles on surfaces
Building blocks of etale endomorphisms of complex projective manifolds
Building Extremal Fewnomial Lower Bounds Over Local Fields, and the Adelic Tau Conjecture
Building Mixed Hodge Structures
Bunches of cones in the divisor class group -- A new combinatorial language for toric varieties