Brauer group of moduli spaces of pairs
Brauer Group of Moduli Spaces of PGL(r)-Bundles over a curve
Brauer groups and crepant resolutions
Brauer groups and quotient stacks
Brauer groups and Tate-Shafarevich groups
Brauer groups of singular del Pezzo surfaces
Brauer loops and the commuting variety
Brauer-Manin obstructions to integral points
Brauer-Siegel theorem for elliptic surfaces
Bridgeland Stability conditions on threefolds I: Bogomolov-Gieseker type inequalities
Bridgeland Stability conditions on threefolds II: An application to Fujita's conjecture
Bridgeland stability conditions on twisted Kummer surfaces
Bridgeland's stabilities on abelian surfaces
Bridgeland-Stable Moduli Spaces for K-Trivial Surfaces
Brill--Noether loci of stable rank--two vector bundles on a general curve
Brill-Gordan Loci, Transvectants and an Analogue of the Foulkes Conjecture
Brill-Noether duality for moduli spaces of sheaves on K3 surfaces
Brill-Noether geometry on moduli spaces of spin curves
Brill-Noether Loci and the Gonality Stratification of $M_g$
Brill-Noether loci for divisors on irregular varieties