About the non-random Content of Financial Markets
Absolute Return Volatility
Adaptive financial networks with static and dynamic thresholds
Aftershock prediction for high-frequency financial markets' dynamics
Agent based reasoning for the non-linear stochastic models of long-range memory
An Analysis of the Japanese Credit Network
An application of the method of moments to volatility estimation using daily high, low, opening and closing prices
An empirical behavioral model of liquidity and volatility
An empirical test for Eurozone contagion using an asset-pricing model with heavy-tailed stochastic volatility
An information theoretic approach to statistical dependence: copula information
Analysis of a network structure of the foreign currency exchange market
Analysis of the trends in the index of the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)
Analyzing the prices of the most expensive sheet iron all over the world: Modeling, prediction and regime change
Anti-Robust and Tonsured Statistics
Application of spectral methods for high-frequency financial data to quantifying states of market participants
Arbitrage free cointegrated models in gas and oil future markets
ARCH and GARCH Models vs. Martingale Volatility of Finance Market Returns
Are all highly liquid securities within the same class?
Are Stock Markets Integrated? Evidence from a Partially Segmented ICAPM with Asymmetric Effects
Are volatility estimators robust with respect to modeling assumptions?