Market dynamics after large financial crash
Market inefficiency identified by both single and multiple currency trends
Market Mill Dependence Pattern in the Stock Market: Multiscale Conditional Dynamics
Market panic on different time-scales
Markov Chains application to the financial-economic time series prediction
Martingales, the Efficient Market Hypothesis, and Spurious Stylized Facts
Maximum entropy distribution of stock price fluctuations
Maximum penalized quasi-likelihood estimation of the diffusion function
Measuring Volatility Clustering in Stock Markets
Mechanical Model of Personal Income Distribution
Memory effect and multifractality of cross-correlations in financial markets
Memory effects in stock price dynamics: evidences of technical trading
Mesoscopic modelling of financial markets
Microscopic Origin of Non-Gaussian Distributions of Financial Returns
Minding impacting events in a model of stochastic variance
Minimal model of financial stylized facts
Minimal Spanning Tree graphs and power like scaling in FOREX networks
Model for Non-Gaussian Intraday Stock Returns
Modeling electricity spot prices using mean-reverting multifractal processes
Modeling Long Memory in REITs