Financial Valuation of Mortality Risk via the Instantaneous Sharpe Ratio: Applications to Pricing Pure Endowments
Finitely additive probabilities and the Fundamental Theorem of Asset Pricing
Forward equations for option prices in semimartingale models
Forward Exponential Performances: Pricing and Optimal Risk Sharing
Fractional processes as models in stochastic finance
Fractional term structure models: No-arbitrage and consistency
From the decompositions of a stopping time to risk premium decompositions
Fundamental theorems of asset pricing for piecewise semimartingales of stochastic dimension
Funding Valuation Adjustment: a consistent framework including CVA, DVA, collateral,netting rules and re-hypothecation
GARCH options via local risk minimization
Gauge Invariance, Geometry and Arbitrage
General Theory of Geometric Lévy Models for Dynamic Asset Pricing
Generalized pricing formulas for stochastic volatility jump diffusion models applied to the exponential Vasicek model
Good-deal bounds in a regime-switching diffusion market
Heat kernel methods in finance: the SABR model
Hedging in an equilibrium-based model for a large investor
Hedging of claims with physical delivery under convex transaction costs
Hedging of time discrete auto-regressive stochastic volatility options
Hedging under arbitrage
High-order accurate implicit methods for the pricing of barrier options