Global observations of stratospheric bromine monoxide from SCIAMACHY
Global Positioning System phase fluctuations and ultraviolet images from the Polar satellite
Global ray tracing simulations of the SABER gravity wave climatology
Global results of grille spectrometer experiment on board Spacelab 1
Global scale observation of the earth for climate studies
Global simulation of magnetic variation sounding in the presence of azimuthal inhomogeneities
Global solar intensity oscillations near solar maximum
Global spectroscopy and imaging of atmospheric X-ray bremsstrahlung - Instrumentation and initial results from the PEM/AXIS instrument aboard the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite
Global statistics of multiple tropopauses from the IGRA database
Global structure and seasonal and interannual variability of the migrating diurnal tide seen in the SABER/TIMED temperatures between 20 and 120 km
Global structure of ionospheric disturbances of convective origin
Global temperatures using satellite and numerical model assimilated data
Global Thermospheric Temperature Response to Geomagnetic Storms
Global tracking of the SO2 clouds from the June, 1991 Mount Pinatubo eruptions
Global variability of mesospheric temperature: Planetary-scale perturbations at equatorial and tropical latitudes
Global variations of thermospheric winds and temperatures caused by substorm energy injection
Global warming deduced from MSU
Global warming: Evidence from satellite observations
Global, Axisymmetric Instability in Magnetized Accretion Disks
Glycine and alanine synthesis from formaldehyde and hydroxylamine in the field of ultrasound waves