Global distribution of CT2 at altitudes 30-50 km from space-borne observations of stellar scintillation
Global Earth Observation System of Systems - GEOSS and USGEO
Global Electrophonic Fireball Survey
Global empirical models of ionospheric electron temperature in the upper F-region and plasmasphere based on in situ measurements from the Atmosphere Explorer-C, ISIS-1 and ISIS-2 satellites
Global energy conversion rate from geostrophic flows into internal lee waves in the deep ocean
Global excitation of wave phenomena in a dissipative multiconstituent medium. I - Transfer function of the earth's thermosphere. II - Impulsive perturbations in the earth's thermosphere
Global feature of HF radar reflected from lunar surface derived from Kaguya/LRS
Global gravitational stability for one-dimensional polytropes
Global Imaging Monitor of the Ionosphere (GIMI) - an ultraviolet ionospheric imaging experiment for the ARGOS satellite
Global instabilities of accretion disks
Global ionospheric electric field measurements in April 1978
Global Ionospheric Radio Observatory (GIRO)
Global Ionospheric Structures Observed by FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC Satellites
Global magnetic-variation sounding of the earth using Magsat data
Global Mesospheric Atomic Oxygen Distribution Deduced From HRDI/UARS, SABER/TIMED and TIDI/TIMED Airglow Measurements
Global Numerical Simulations of Acoustic Wave Propagation in the Sun
Global Observations of Exospheric Temperature During the Bastille Day Event
Global Observations of Exospheric Temperature During the Bastille Day Event and Comparisons With the MTIEGCM Model and NRLMSIS-2000
Global Observations of Exospheric Temperature During the Bastille Day Event and Comparisons With the TIMEGCM Model and NRLMSIS-2000
Global observations of gravity waves from High Resolution Dynamics Limb Sounder temperature measurements: A yearlong record of temperature amplitude and vertical wavelength