Reinforcement learning based sensing policy optimization for energy efficient cognitive radio networks
Reinforcement Learning by Comparing Immediate Reward
Reinforcement Learning for Adaptive Routing
Reinforcement Learning via AIXI Approximation
Reinforcement Learning with Linear Function Approximation and LQ control Converges
Relax and Localize: From Value to Algorithms
Reliable and Efficient Inference of Bayesian Networks from Sparse Data by Statistical Learning Theory
Remote Observational Techniques in Education
Remote Sensing across the Globe: Best Practices in Bringing Together Satellite Imagery, Telecommunications and Ground-Truth Observations
Remote Telescope System for Science Education and Small-scale Researches at Bosscha Observatory, Indonesia and at Gunma Astronomical Observatory, Japan
Remote Telescopes in Education: Report of an Australian Study
REPEAT Card with TRIAL Card for students to improve their thoughts
Replicating Reforms in a Large-scale Lecture Environment
Report From The Front Line: What I Learned by Using Active Learning Techniques
Report of the Working Group on Space/Lunar Tradeoffs
Representations of Force and Motion Concepts at the Middle Level
Reproduction Of William Herschel's Metallic Mirror Telescope
Required sample size for learning sparse Bayesian networks with many variables
Resampling methods for parameter-free and robust feature selection with mutual information
Research and Research-Type Experiences Throughout an Undergraduate Liberal Arts Curriculum