Physics To Go: an Outreach Digital Library
Physics: Frightful, but fun. Pupils' and teachers' views of physics and physics teaching
Pinning Down the Orbits of Transneptunian Objects
Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute
Placing the Solar System in its Universal Context
Planet Mars: Story of Another World
Planet-forming Regions at the Highest Spectral and Spatial Resolution with VLT-CRIRES
Planetary Science Research Discoveries (PSRD)
Planetary Systems and the Origins of Life
Plug-in martingales for testing exchangeability on-line
Podcast, Blogs and New Media Outreach Techniques For Addressing Busy Lifestyles
Polyceptron: A Polyhedral Learning Algorithm
Polynomial Learning of Distribution Families
Popularization of Astronomy under Cooperation between Students and Educators in Japan: the TENPLA project (1)
Popularization of Astronomy under Cooperation between Students and Educators in Japan: the TENPLA project (2)
Porous Materials: Synthesis and Applications Discovered Through Inquiry
Portfolio Allocation for Bayesian Optimization
Position error correction of position sensitive detector by least squares support vector machine
Positive factor networks: A graphical framework for modeling non-negative sequential data
Post-Processing of Discovered Association Rules Using Ontologies