High-Altitude Balloon Launches and Hands-On Sensors for Effective Student Learning in Astronomy and STEM
High-Dimensional Gaussian Graphical Model Selection: Walk Summability and Local Separation Criterion
High-Dimensional Non-Linear Variable Selection through Hierarchical Kernel Learning
High-dimensional Sparse Inverse Covariance Estimation using Greedy Methods
High-resolution focal plane array IR detection modules and digital signal processing technologies at AIM
High-School Student Discovers Strange Astronomical Object
History of Teaching Astronomy in Serbian Schools
HMM Speaker Identification Using Linear and Non-linear Merging Techniques
Hoku Kea - Educational 1meter Telescope on Mauna Kea
Hot Gas in the Disk and Halo of NGC4319
How Can Citizen Science Participation Improve Science Learning?
How Converging Lens Simulation Designs Affect Understanding of Image Formation
How Does Astronomy Constitute A Learning Community?
How Does Astronomy Constitute a Learning Community?
How Effective Is Our Teaching?
How I won the "Chess Ratings - Elo vs the Rest of the World" Competition
How Much Learning Could Possibly Be Going On In A 700 Person General Education Science Course? Research Results On The Teaching And Learning Of A "Mega” Astro 101 Course
How Old Are the Jewels of the Night?
How Old Are the Jewels of the Night?
How random are a learner's mistakes?